Thursday, November 13, 2008


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Saturday, July 12, 2008

Newman's Conspiracy Theory (

I have a theory regarding the United States Government, Israel and Iran. You See since Obama is such a "pussy" and the USA and Israel are in such fear of Iran and its constructing nuclear program, President George W. Bush will be the puppetmaster and Israel the puppet by coercing, persuading, or forcing Israel to go ahead and drop a thermonuclear warhead on the area where Iran is currently developing its nuclear program. This will be done in the final moments of George W. Bush's term in office. Why will he do this? Because should Obama be elected president, (Which I pray he will not be), Obama will withdraw our troops and we in the west will lose all say in the Middle East and stability in the region will be unfathomable and never again attained. This is why the President of the United States of America in the coming months will take that precious toy of the shelf and give an executive order, in secret however asking Israel to enialate the threat Iran is posing with the deaths of thousands of innocent people. OH and of course Israel will fly its bomber over Iraqi territory in order to hit Iran giving Israel a clear path to change the world forever. What is my opinion? Kill the All! If its going to be world war III then better to be the one to throw the first punch rather than be the one to get blindsided. Besides the fallback of Nuclear winter and Nuclear fallout what other choice do we have should Obama be in the Oval Office come the second week in November. God Help us All!!!!CR8ZY.ORG go to now

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Sick Pick

Thursday, May 29, 2008

A Must Read "Losing my Religion"!!!

Well who would have guessed our awesome professor has just published a novel, due to be out soon, and guaranteed to be an instant masterpiece, you better go out and reserve your copy today!!

This up and coming masterpiece is entitled
(Losing My Religion: How I Lost My Faith While Reporting on Religion in America" will be in bookstores February 2009. The memoir, published by Harper Collins, is about Los Angeles Times journalist William Lobdell's spiritual journey while covering religion in American, which took him from evangelical Christian to someone who no longer believed in God).

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Hilarious Political Cartoons

Top Ten Dumbest Statements During the 2008 Presidential Campaign!!!

10. "I've now been in 57 states -- I think one left to go." --Barack Obama, at a campaign event in Beaverton, Oregon

9. "The issue of economics is not something I've understood as well as I should. I've got Greenspan's book." --John McCain, in an interview with the Boston Globe

8. "I'm not going to put my lot in with economists." --Hillary Clinton, after being asked by George Stephanopoulos about economists' claims that her gas tax holiday proposal would not bring down gas prices

7. "Why can't I just eat my waffle?" --Barack Obama, after being asked a foreign policy question by a reporter while visiting a diner in Pennsylvania

6. "You know that old Beach Boys song, Bomb Iran? Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran." --John McCain, breaking into song after being asked about whether it was time to send a message to Iran

5. "Hold on one second, sweetie, we're going to do -- we'll do a press avail." --Barack Obama, to a female reporter for ABC's Detroit affiliate who asked about his plan to help American autoworkers

4. "It's not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations." --Barack Obama, explaining his troubles winning over some working-class voters

3. "My husband did not wrap up the nomination in 1992 until he won the California primary somewhere in the middle of June, right? We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California. You know, I just, I don't understand it." --Hillary Clinton, on why she is staying in the race

2. "Make it a hundred...That would be fine with me." --John McCain, to a questioner who asked if he supported President Bush's vision for keeping U.S. troops in Iraq for 50 years

1. "I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base." --Hillary Clinton, on visiting Bosnia in 1996, contradicting other accounts that said there was no threat of gunfire. Clinton later said she "misspoke". (

Is Israeli Prime Minister a Crook?

Olmert has allegedly accepted nearly $500,000 in bribes and illegal campaign contributions during the 2006 elections. Foreign Minister Tzipi Livini is now a likely successor to Mr. Olmert, and its also implied that the Kamida Party may suffer upcoming elections. Livni also calls for a party primary to allow the public to have a say in choosing a leader and to "restore the trust". So there hasn't been much development since my last post, but the job of Israeli Prime Minister is almost certainly going to be up for grabs. Another development though, is that Mr. Talansky, a US businessman, told investigators that he gave Mr. Olmert envelopes full of cash. He claims that he gave over $150,000 of his own money to Mr. Olmert through aides and directly over a span of 15 years. Good for you, he also claims he walked to a bank to withdraw $15,000 in cash for a loan as Mr. Olmert waited in a luxury hotel. He's pissed now and making these claims because Mr. Olmert never repaid a single loan..hhahahaha. Let me know your thoughts.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Late Night Presidential Jokes

"According to a new poll, Barack Obama has a 24-point lead over Hillary Clinton in North Carolina. Obama is doing particularly well with one important demographic: voters." --Amy Poehler

Hillary Clinton attacked Barack Obama, called him 'elitist,' and said he was out of touch with poor people. Later, Bill Clinton gave a speech on the subject, and charged a million bucks for it." --Jay Leno

"All three presidential candidates appeared on 'American Idol.' It was interesting. Randy Jackson, Paula Abdul and Simon Cowell looked at them and said, 'Wait, there's a black guy, a woman and a cranky white guy. You stole our formula!'" --Conan O'Brien

"After Governor Bill Richardson switched his support from Hillary Clinton to Barack Obama last week, an angry Bill Clinton said, 'Five times to my face he said he would never do that.' Wow, so he looked you right in the face and lied to you. What's that like?" --Seth Meyers

"McCain came out this week with a list of 20 possible running mates. He would not reveal the names of all of them, but he said they all share certain traits, like knowing CPR. He said he wants someone who is ready take over on day two." --Bill Maher

"Big shake-up in the Hillary Clinton campaign. This is huge. Yesterday -- true story -- Hillary Clinton's top adviser abruptly left her campaign. When he heard about it, Bill Clinton said, 'Wait, we can leave?'" --Conan O'Brien

"John McCain is now crisscrossing the United States campaigning. Or, as they're calling it, Antiques Roadshow." --Jay Leno

"Hillary Clinton was in Philadelphia, where she told the crowd she is like the movie character Rocky. Now, if I remember the movie correctly, doesn't Rocky get the crap beat out of him and then he loses to the black guy?" --Jay Leno

"Are you familiar with the Hillary Clinton 3 a.m. phone call commercial that she's been running? … Well, she's got another one of those, and the phone rings at 3 a.m., Hillary answers the phone, she picks it up, and she says "Stop bothering me, President Obama!" –David Letterman

"And John McCain has one of those 3 a.m. campaign commercials. In this one it's 3 a.m. and he just gets up to go to the bathroom." –David Letterman

"We're leaning more and more about John and Cindy McCain. He's on this big biography tour. I guess his wife Cindy is worth over $100 million because the family made money selling Budweiser beer. So he has a wife 20 years younger than him, free beer, and unlimited money. I think I speak for all guys when I go, 'Why is he running for president?'" --Jay Leno

"This weekend, Bill Clinton said Hillary should not drop out of the presidential race. Yeah, when asked why, Bill said, 'Because then she'd come home.'" --Conan O'Brien

"Hillary now says that she just made an honest mistake when she said she had to duck sniper fire in Bosnia. There was no hostile fire of any kind. Although, ironically, while she was away, Bill Clinton did see some action." --Jay Leno

"Barack Obama called Hillary today to thank her for distracting everyone away from the whole crazy pastor thing. Obama's campaign is all about hope -- hope Hillary keeps saying stupid crap and getting herself in trouble." --Craig Ferguson

Two State Department employees were fired -- this is a bit of a scandal -- because they were looking at Barack Obama's passport file. Not only that, but the same person was also looking at John McCain's Civil War records." --David Letterman

"I like John McCain. He looks like the guy who gets frisky with the new waitress at IHOP. ... He looks like the guy who watches his Cadillac go through the car wash. ... He looks like the guy in the supermarket yelling into his cell phone, 'I'm in aisle three, Marge. I can't find the brownie mix.'" --David Letterman (Read more of Letterman's jabs at Old Man McCain)

"Barack Obama gave a big speech on race, and there was one heckler in the audience, kept screaming crazy stuff the whole time. Turns out it was his pastor." --Jay Leno

"This campaign is kind of fascinating, because the three major candidates have to be very careful when they criticize each other. Like, you can't criticize Hillary. Ooh, that's sexism. You can't criticize Barack. Ooh, that's racism. And you can't go after McCain, because that's elder abuse." --Jay Leno

"Have you heard about this phenomenon that keeps happening at Barack Obama rallies? Apparently women have been fainting. They're so taken by his speeches that they're passing out. Well, today it happened at one of Hillary's speeches, and luckily Bill ran into the crowd and gave her mouth to mouth." --Jay Leno

"Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton locked horns for a debate that was broadcast on CNN. The tone was much more friendly than their last meeting. In fact, they even shared a room together afterwards. That would be great revenge on Bill for Monica Lewinsky -- Barack and Hillary making sweet, hot, post-debate love. How furious would Oprah be?" --Jimmy Kimmel

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Whoops, I guess I will just wait this one out!

John McCain will be the next President of The United States of America, However he is just the lesser of two evils and even though he's an old man he will do his country good. Mark my words!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Best movie line ever (Politics)

This is the funniest rip on democrats you will ever hear from an old Bob Hope movie! This is a much watch and its only a few seconds!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Obama and Iran

This is Obamas position on Iran, Please watch the video and tell me your thoughts. P.S. This is also why anyone who votes for Obama is in my opinion a moron. Please post any comments or questions you might have.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Help The People of Burma / Myanmar

The Salvation Army, Red Cross, and UNICEF are accepting donations to help the people of Burma. Please donate what you can. It is to often that us Americans live this sheltered life, safe and free from all the harm outside in the real world. So do what you can to help these less fortunate people. I donated $50 which isn't much but is all I can afford and it will help me sleep knowing that moneys going to help someone whom really needs it.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Awesome Quote

"Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be there option!"

Thursday, May 8, 2008

U.S. Estimates Over 100,000 Dead in Myanmar (Burma)

The death toll from the cyclone that ravaged the Irrawaddy delta in Myanmar may exceed 100,000, the senior U.S. diplomat in the military-ruled country said Wednesday. "The information we are receiving indicates over 100,000 deaths," said the U.S. charge d'affaires in Yangon, Shari Villarosa. The U.S. figure is almost five times the 22,000 the Myanmar government has estimated. The U.S. estimate is based on data from an international non-governmental organization, Villarosa said without naming the group. She called the situation in Myanmar "more and more horrendous." "I think most of the damage was caused by these 12-foot storm surges," she said. Villarosa also said that about 95 percent of the buildings in the delta region were destroyed when Cyclone Nargis battered the area late Friday into Saturday.

On Wednesday, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice once again called on the junta to allow aid into the country and said she is speaking with leaders from other nations who may be able to help persuade Myanmar's leaders to do so. "It should be a simple matter," Rice said. "This is not a matter of politics; this is a matter of a humanitarian crisis, and it should be a matter that the government of Burma wants to see its people receive the help that is available to them, and so we are speaking with governments that might have influence with Burma."Myanmar is also known as Burma.

The United States has pledged $3.25 million and offered to send Navy ships to the region to help relief efforts -- if Myanmar's government agrees. The U.S. military has flown six cargo helicopters onto a Thai airbase as Washington awaits permission to go into the south Asian country, two senior military officials told CNN's Barbara Starr. Villarosa said 70,000 people are missing in the Irrawaddy Delta, which has a population of nearly 6 million people. The official Myanmar government figure for the missing is 41,000. "I can only assume that the longer the delay, the more victims that are created," Villarosa said. Little aid has reached the area since Nargis hit, and on Wednesday, crowds of hungry survivors stormed reopened shops in the devastated Irrawaddy delta.

The United Nations urged the military junta to grant visas to international relief workers amid estimates of 1 million homeless. A United Nations official said that nearly 2,000 square miles (5,000 square km) of the hard-hit delta are still underwater. See amateur video of the cyclone's crashing ashore. Charity workers have gathered at Myanmar's embassy in Bangkok, Thailand, with vehicles, emergency food supplies and medicine, waiting for their visa requests to be approved. "We need this to move much faster," said John Holmes, U.N. humanitarian chief, after reading a statement from Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

There were reports of "civil unrest" in the worst-hit areas where people are scrambling for limited food supplies, a U.N. spokesman said. In the flood-soaked Irrawaddy delta townships, U.N. assessment teams observed "large crowds gathering around shops -- the few that were open -- literally fighting over the chance to buy what food was available," World Food Program spokesman Paul Risley said Wednesday from Bangkok.

There were also also reports of price gouging in urban areas around Yangon, Myanmar's largest city and former capital. "There were long lines of people trying to buy what food was available, even at those higher prices," Risley said. The delta, Myanmar's rice-growing heartland, has been devastated by Cyclone Nargis, threatening long-term food shortages for survivors, experts said. "We can't delay on this; this is a huge disaster, and the longer [Myanmar] waits, the worse it's going to become," International Rescue Committee spokesman Gregory Beck said. The Rome, Italy-based U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that five states hit hardest by Saturday's cyclone produce 65 percent of the country's rice, The Associated Press reported.

"There is likely going to be incredible shortages in the next 18 to 24 months," Sean Turnell, an economist specializing in Myanmar at Australia's Macquarie University, told AP. Holmes said 24 countries had pledged financial support, with a total of $30 million expected in aid. The WFP, which has started feeding the estimated million homeless, said there were immediate concerns about salvaging harvested rice in the flooded Irrawaddy delta. An iReporter documents the destruction »

The cyclone battered the country with winds of 240 kph (150 mph) and 3.5-meter (11.48 feet) storm surges. Damage was also extensive in the country's largest city, Yangon. Much of the former capital is without power and littered with debris and fallen trees. See photos of the destruction. CNN's Dan Rivers, the first Western journalist into the devastated town of Bogalay, said Wednesday that it was difficult to find the words to describe the level of destruction. Watch Rivers describe the critical situation. "Ninety percent of the houses have been flattened. ... The help that these people are getting seems to be pretty much nonexistent, from what we've seen." He saw members of Myanmar's army clearing roads but handing out little food or medicine.

"There has been scant help, really. I think we saw one or two Red Cross vehicles in the entire time we were driving," Rivers said of his travels over a 12-hour period. Learn more about Myanmar. Hundreds of World Vision staff are in Myanmar with limited supplies, according to spokesman James East. Tons of supplies have been readied in Dubai and can be brought in quickly once clearance is given.

"Even when aid comes in, it's going to be a logistical nightmare to get it out to the remote delta region," East said. However, Yangon is almost back to normal, World Vision health adviser Dr. Kyi Minn said. Roads have been cleared of debris, and electricity and potable water are available.

The Myanmar Red Cross has been handing out relief supplies, such as drinking water, plastic sheeting, clothing, insecticide-treated bed nets to help prevent malaria, and kitchen items, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies said.

Other countries and world bodies offering help include Britain, Japan, the European Union, China, India, Thailand, Australia, Canada and Bangladesh have also pitched in. Based on a satellite map made available by the U.N., the storm's damage was concentrated over a 30,000-square-kilometer area along the Andaman Sea and Gulf of Martaban coastlines, home to nearly a quarter of Myanmar's 57 million people.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Life on Earth shown from the lowest common denominator!

This is Really cool, I recommend every person that come on this blog to please view this video. It makes you realize and understand the world through a whole new perspective. Really please watch!!!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Food Shortages

We as Americans are always waisting food. Please read the article below and tell me if afterwords you would still waist that extra food. Donations to help the starving and dying can be made to the Salvation Army and the Red Cross. So please donate today, only a few dollars which is now less than a tank of gas can feed a family of four for anyware from a week up to an entire month!

BANGKOK (Reuters) - Rice prices in Thailand, the world's top exporter, surged to $1,000 a tonne on Thursday as concerns about food security first triggered by a handful of Asian export bans spread as far as the United States.

This week's five percent jump takes prices to nearly three times their level at the start of the year, intensifying fears of social unrest in Asia as millions of the region's poor find themselves struggling to pay for staple goods.

The surging price of fuel and food, which some analysts attribute to panic buying by both consumers and governments rather than a dire shortage of supply, has so far sparked riots in Africa and Haiti, but not Asia.

Having started with India's imposition of export curbs to protect domestic supplies last year, the crisis was felt in the United States this week, with major retailers saying they had started to notice signs of panic buying.

Sam's Club, a unit of retail giant Wal-Mart, said on Wednesday it was capping sales of 20-pound (9 kg) bulk bags of rice at four bags per customer per visit to prevent hoarding.

The previous day, rival Costco Wholesale Corp said it had seen increased demand for items such as rice and flour as customers, worried about global food shortages, stocked up.

"Everywhere you see, there is some story about food shortages and hoarding and tightness of supplies," said Neauman Coleman, an analyst and rice broker in Brinkley, Arkansas.


In Bangkok, some traders said Thai 100-percent B grade white rice, the world's benchmark, could hit $1,300 a tonne due to unsated demand from number-one importer the Philippines, which fell well short of filling a 500,000 tonne tender last week.

Manila said on Thursday it had increased the size of another tender on May 5 to 675,000 tonnes from 500,000 tonnes, putting yet more heat under the price of a grain that for decades moved sedately between $200 and $300 a tonne.

There is also a big question mark over Iran and Indonesia, two countries that normally buy as much as 1 million tonnes of Thai rice each year but which have bought nothing so far in 2008 because of the soaring prices.

Indonesia's trade minister said on Thursday her country can meet domestic demand for rice this year, avoiding the risk of social unrest, thanks to a bumper rice harvest, curbs on rice exports and subsidies for the poor.

"If the production of rice is as planned for this year, I think we can feel pretty okay that it's going to be stabilized," Mari Pangestu said in an interview.

Even though some analysts say the price, part of a wider global rally in crop prices, is based on jittery governments rather than fundamentals, Thailand's top exporters say the world is now set for an era of expensive food.

"Prices will remain firm for the rest of the year," Chookiat Ophaswongse, head of the Rice Exporters Association in Bangkok, told Reuters.

Asian rice prices could rise another 10-15 percent as African importers step up buying, but the market might be set for a sharp fall nearer year's end, a grains trader said on Thursday.

"You might not see a correction in prices in the next two to three months. But when crops kick in, you could see a 30 to 40 percent correction in prices towards the end of the year," said Vijay Iyengar, managing director of grains trader Agrocorp International Pte Ltd.

Rice futures on the Chicago Board of Trade climbed 2.5 percent on Wednesday to an all-time high of $24.85 per hundredweight.

However, grain futures tumbled four percent to a five-month low due to expectations of a large global wheat crop in 2008.

With the northern hemisphere harvest only two months away, officials said planting had started well in Western Australia after good rains, while India said a record harvest and bulging government stocks meant no imports were needed this year.

China's top wheat-growing provinces of Henan and Shandong were also looking at a bumper winter harvest after recent rains, the Xinhua news agency said.


Brazil became the latest country on Wednesday to suspend rice exports, following in the footsteps of India and its close rival for the mantle of world number-two supplier, Vietnam.

However, Thailand, which accounts for nearly a third of all rice traded globally, reiterated that it would not impose any curbs, saying it had enough stocks to meet its export commitments.

"We don't need to restrict Thai exports because in the next few months, a new crop will come out and we have enough stock for the Thai people and also for exports, according to the agreements that we have signed," government spokesman Wichianchot Sukchotrat told reporters in Kuala Lumpur.

The Asian Development Bank and free-trade advocates have criticized the export curbs as an overreaction that has distorted the market.

"If we restrict trade, we're simply going to add food scarcity to the already large problems of food shortages that exist in different countries," EU Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson said.

(For a graphic on Thai white rice, click on: here (Additional reporting by Sara Webb and Gde Anugrah Arka in Jakarta and Jonathan Leff and Sambit Mohanty in Singapore; Writing by Ed Cropley; Editing by Darren Schuettler and David Fogarty) (

This is Hilarious, Must Read

Monday, April 21, 2008

General Hillary

Tell me what you think of our candidates by please posting a comment, Thanx

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Snoop Talks Politics

What are your thoughts?

Please respond by adding a comment on any of my postings. What are you thoughts on the election? Do you believe that Autism can be caused by vaccinations? Where do you stand on the political pendulum? Are people supporting Hillary Clinton cause they actually would like to see Bill back in the whitehouse? If you would like to see any other sort of postings or political opinions please do not hesitate to ask.

Achmed The Dead Terrorist

Monday, April 14, 2008

Barack Obama

Sunday, April 13, 2008

President Monkey

Where are the weapons of mass destruction? Oh, thats right there are none! Bring our troops home...


BILLARY _ So what will we call Bill Clinton if Hillary becomes president, Well how about the first pimp!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Scary Hillary

Is Hillary Clinton ready to the most powerful person in the world as 1st female President of the United States of America?

CR8ZY.ORG go to now

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