I have a theory regarding the United States Government, Israel and Iran. You See since Obama is such a "pussy" and the USA and Israel are in such fear of Iran and its constructing nuclear program, President George W. Bush will be the puppetmaster and Israel the puppet by coercing, persuading, or forcing Israel to go ahead and drop a thermonuclear warhead on the area where Iran is currently developing its nuclear program. This will be done in the final moments of George W. Bush's term in office. Why will he do this? Because should Obama be elected president, (Which I pray he will not be), Obama will withdraw our troops and we in the west will lose all say in the Middle East and stability in the region will be unfathomable and never again attained. This is why the President of the United States of America in the coming months will take that precious toy of the shelf and give an executive order, in secret however asking Israel to enialate the threat Iran is posing with the deaths of thousands of innocent people. OH and of course Israel will fly its bomber over Iraqi territory in order to hit Iran giving Israel a clear path to change the world forever. What is my opinion? Kill the All! If its going to be world war III then better to be the one to throw the first punch rather than be the one to get blindsided. Besides the fallback of Nuclear winter and Nuclear fallout what other choice do we have should Obama be in the Oval Office come the second week in November. God Help us All!!!!CR8ZY.ORG go to cr8zy.org now